Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Parisa Osfoori

Parisa Osfoori
Graduate student: Communication Sciences and Disorders; Social and Behavioral Neuroscience


Being multilingual, I'm curious about how different languages seamlessly interact in my brain! During my master's, I used EEG to investigate the neural underpinning of syntactic priming in healthy bilinguals. Now, as a PhD graduate assistant at SANDLab, we are comparing syntactic priming effects in aging adults and individuals with aphasia.

Our PIRE project explores the idea that language influences semantic organization in the bilingual mind. We hypothesize that a person's native language (L1) and second language (L2) may lead to differences in how concrete and abstract concepts are semantically organized. To test this, we're collecting EEG data from native Mandarin speakers learning English as their second language, at Beijing Normal University.