Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Adriana Miller

Adriana Miller
Graduate student in Cognitive Psychology with a Dual Title in Language Science
Adriana Miller


I am a second-year graduate student in the Cognitive Psychology department pursuing a Dual Title in Language Science, working with Dr. Janet van Hell. I received my B.A in Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2021. My research uses behavioral and neurocognitive (EEG) methodologies to study various aspects of language processing, particularly focusing on second language speakers' processing of metaphorical language and emotion.

Project Summary

This summer I will travel to the Netherlands to conduct a behavioral research study on emotional prosody with Dr. Susanne Brouwer at Radboud University. This project will investigate the ability of Dutch-English bilinguals to recognize the emotion conveyed in pseudo-speech in their native language (Dutch), their second language (English) and foreign languages (Hindi and Arabic). Participants will be asked to rate whether sentences they hear convey anger, sadness, fear, happiness, or neutral emotion. Sentences will be presented in quiet and noisy conditions. This study of second-language speakers will add to previous literature in understanding how emotion is recognized in speech.