Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Colleen McFadden

Colleen McFadden
Undergraduate Student: Communication Sciences and Disorders, minoring in Human Development in Family Studies


My name is Colleen McFadden and I am currently a junior at Penn State studying Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. Outside of lab, I love to read and run. Professionally, I have worked in various restaurants as well as a caretaker in a Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center. Language is important to me because it allows all people to connect and uphold their own dignity.

Project Summary:

As a PIRE fellow for the summer of 2020, I will be traveling to the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico. There, I will be exploring the incremental interpretation of sentences in bilingual adult Spanish-English speakers. Through this research I am hoping to better understand adult English sentence processing, specifically in Spanish-English bilinguals. This information may one day help to investigate best-practices for teaching English to English-Language learners.