Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Dana Winthrop

Dana Winthrop
Undergraduate Student: Communication Sciences and Disorders, minoring in psychology


My name is Dana Winthrop and I am a junior from Long Island, New York. I am majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders and I have a minor in Psychology. On campus, I am Vice President in the Penn State Sign Language Organization, a Lion Scout, and I am involved in various volunteer activities. I am also involved in Dr. Miller's Child Development Lab in the Center for Language Science.

Project Summary:

For my project, I will be traveling to Washington, D.C to Gallaudet University where I, along with my research partner, will be investigating possible indicators of Developmental Language Disorder in deaf and hard of hearing children. We will be analyzing the data from a longitudinal literacy study that was done at Gallaudet University and our supervisor there will be Dr. Thomas Allen. I am looking forward to this opportunity and to see what I will learn from it.