Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Gabrielle Stokes

Gabrielle Stokes
Undergraduate student: Psychology (Neuroscience option) and Science (Health Professions option), minoring in Theater
Gabrielle Stokes


Gabrielle Stokes anticipates graduating Penn State with degrees in Psychology and Science and a minor in theater. Gabrielle is a world traveler–having been born in Switzerland and lived in England for a few years–and she is eager for every chance she gets to travel more. As an LA and tutor, she enjoys helping others and guiding them on the path to success. Due to her strong passion for the brain, Gabrielle devotes spending her free time to trying to expand her own knowledge by learning new languages on Duolingo, watching TedTalks, and watching medical shadowing videos. However, when Gabrielle is not in one of her 3 research labs or watching educational videos, she can be found working as a cocktail waitress, laughing on the phone with her family, or even dancing around the living room with her roommates

Project Summary

At the University of Radboud in the Netherlands I plan to study how Dutch-English bilinguals identify emotions through pseudo-sentences in their native language (Dutch), their second language (English), and two unknown languages (Arabic and Hindi). Additionally, I plan to investigate how the presence of white noise affects emotional prosody recognition for one’s native language (Dutch), second language (English), and unknown languages (Arabic and Hindi)