Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Jenny Kline

Jenny Kline
2013-2014, Undergraduate Student - English and Psychology double major, Linguistics minor


I am a rising junior in the Schreyer Honors College pursuing a double major in English and Psychology with a minor in Linguistics. I could not be happier to be a cohort of the PIRE program!
I have had the privilege of working as an RA in Dr. Janet van Hell’s lab for two semesters where I have assisted visiting scholar Dr. Merel Keijzer and past PIRE cohort Kaylee Roupas. I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to extend my bilingualism research abroad in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I plan to examine the effect of child and foreign-accented speech on sentence comprehension in bilingual and multilingual listeners.