Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Lauren Echols

Lauren Echols
2016-2017, Undergraduate Student - Spanish, Psychology


I am currently an undergraduate student in my third year at Penn State majoring in both Spanish and Psychology. This summer 2017 I will be doing research in Granada, Spain in cooperation with an amazing team of ladies including: Dr. Giuli Dussias, Dr. Teresa Bajo, Priscila López-Beltrán and Marta Rivera Zurita. We will be studying syntactic ambiguity resolution in bilingual (Spanish-English) children and adults.

Project Summary:

I will be studying syntactic ambiguity resolution in bilingual (Spanish-English) children and adults to see whether they are able to resolve syntactic ambiguity in English as native English speakers do and in Spanish as native Spanish speakers do.