Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Leah Pappas

Leah Pappas
2012-2013, Undergraduate Student - French and Linguistics


Biography: I am am a rising senior with a dual major in French and Linguistics and a minor in Spanish at Penn State. I have been working in Dr. Janet Van Hell's lab for two semesters now. In her lab, I have focused on learning how to run and analyze ERP studies. Previously, I spent a semester as a volunteer lab assistant in Dr. Judith Kroll's lab and a semester running behavioral studies in Dr. Carrie Jackson's lab.  Through a PIRE grant, I am currently working on a study with Dr. Jackson and Dr. Van Hell that examines how German-French bilinguals and English-French bilinguals process grammatical gender in French. I will be collecting data from German-French bilinguals this summer in Berlin, German. Then, in the fall, I will collect the English-French bilinguals data.  When I am not doing schoolwork or working in the lab, I enjoy theater. I love performing and assisting with the technical aspects of shows. I also enjoy playing soccer, hiking, climbing, generally being outside and active.  While abroad, I hope to meet new people, make connections, better my language skills in French and German, and collect some great data! Institution: Pennsylvania State University, USA Lab/Group: Center for Language Science