Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Pablo Esteban Requena

Pablo Esteban Requena
2013-2014, Graduate Student - Hispanic Linguistics & Language Science


I am a 4th year graduate student in Spanish Linguistics and Language Science working with Dr. Karen Miller. My research focuses on first language acquisition, specifically on how children acquire the constraints on Spanish variable clitic placement. I will be travelling to Granada to conduct with Teresa Bajo at the University of Granada, Spain from March-April. Through a self-paced reading experiment with monolingual and Spanish-English bilingual adults I will study the influence of the L2 (English) on speakers' L1 (Spanish) in non-immersed bilingual speakers. I will be looking at whether bilinguals' L1 variable clitic placement preferences differ from those of monolingual speakers in the direction that would suggest an effect of the L2.