Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Solimar Rosales-Osta

Solimar Rosales-Osta
Undergraduate student: Psychology
rosales osta


I'm a 22-year-old college student who is passionate about psychology in the life science aspect, meaning that I'm interested in social connections as one of our main drives for humans' interactions. After obtaining my bachelor's in psychology, I'm planning to go straight in a PhD career in Counseling Psychology, as in the future I hope to open my own private practice and offer counseling services to my main population interest, children, teenagers, and young adults. I would also like to become a professor and teach either counseling psychology level classes in higher education.

Our previous study on the topic demonstrated that there is a creative advantage for people that use both Spanish and English in their daily life. In the second part of this study, we want to research if this advantage is present for individuals who use the English language (non-primary language) not as often as individuals in the first study. For example, these individuals would be utilizing English mainly at school or work, and Spanish as their primary language the rest of their time. We want to see if these individuals also possess a creative advantage or see if this advantage is exclusively for subjects who interchange between Spanish and English in a more frequent manner.