Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Richard Page

Richard Page
Associate Professor of German and Linguistics
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, College of the Liberal Arts


Richard Page received his Ph.D. in Germanic linguistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of linguistics, German, and Pennsylvania German culture. His research interests include older Germanic dialects, historical linguistics, language change, language contact, Pennsylvania German, and phonology. 

Representative Publications:

  • Gender Assignment of English Loanwords in Pennsylvania German: Is There a Feminine Tendency? Studies on German Speech Islands, ed. by Michael T. Putnam, 151-162. Philadelphia & Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • The gender of early Latin loanwords in Germanic languages: A case study of Latin vinum. Studies in Classical Linguistics in Honor of Philip Baldi, ed. B. Richard Page and Aaron Rubin, 75-80. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2010.
  • (with Joshua R. Brown) The Big Valley Oral History Project: Language Attitudes toward Pennsylvania German in Big Valley. Yearbook for German-American Studies 42 (2007): 125-140.
  • On the Irregularity of Open Syllable Lengthening in German. Historical Linguistics 2005: Selected papers from the 17th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Madison, 31 July-5 August 2005. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins (2007): 337-350.
  • The synchrony and diachrony of vowel length in English and Dutch. Diachronica 23.1 (2006): 61-104.