Partnerships for International
Research and Education
Partnerships for International
Research and Education

Abigail Cosgrove

The effects of facial cues on sentence comprehension for monolingual and bilingual


Akeena Lofters

More or When? Examining the E ects of the Number of Languages Known and the Age of Acquisition on New Language Learning

Amy Kinsey

Pragmatic humor in L1 and L2 sentence comprehension and prediction

Benjamin Simonson

Teaching the prosodic encoding of given information in English among L1 Spanish - L2 English learners

Dorothy Schaadt and Lina Duiker

The Efficiency Of Clause-Final Negation: A Look at Lengua Palenquera

Heritage Speakers and Their Use of Pre-verbal Particles in Palenquero

Erica Exton

Jessica Zurlo

An Analysis of Phonological Asymmetries: The E ect of Voice Onset Timing on Dutch and English Monolinguals and Bilinguals

Joseph Bail

Acceptability of SVO vs. OVS in Discourse in L1 English - L2 German and L1 German - L2 English Speakers

Margaret Featherstone

Rachel Painter

L2 Spanish Acquisition of Variable Clitic Placement


Rebecca Barnes

Which bilinguals can anticipate codeswitches? Aspects of language exposure that promote sensitivity to phonetic cues

Seckin Kara

Orthographic Expectations and Their Effects on Learning L2 Phonology